HARP LESSONS - Online, Connecticut
Soprano and Harpist Zoe Vandermeer provides comprehensive harp training and coaching for aspiring harpists in Celtic, Early Music, Classical and Contemporary genres. Zoe is dedicated to helping harpists find their unique path and artistic expression through developing reliable harp techniques for lever harps and historical harps.
Harp students learn:
Musicianship Skills
Harp Techniques
Stylistic Interpretation
The Art of Arranging
Composing for the Harp
Harp Ensemble
Member, American Harp Society and Early Music America
Prize-winning Graduate, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland
Roster, CT Commission on Culture and Tourism
Recording Artist
Zoe Vandermeer has given performances, masterclasses, and presentations for the American Harp Society, Rio International Harp Festival in Sao Paulo, Glasgow International Early Music Festival, International Festival de Deia Spain, HarpCon2003, Bloomington Early Music Festival, Somerset Harp Festival, ELyrica Summer Program CT, and elsewhere.